
8 Smart Tips to Maintain Healthy When Rainy Season

In some areas of the world are facing the rainy season, rains are continuously flushed from morning till night can sometimes be the routine that inevitably have to face. Change of seasons from dry season to rainy season usually makes the body more susceptible to health problems. This is because the body is forced to adapt to the temperature and humidity are different than before.
If not immediately get serious attention and treatment of disease, the possibility of the body will be greater. So do not be surprised if the doctor's waiting room will be full by the time this season. Diseases spread rainy season is not only vulnerable to attack adults, children also are even more at risk.
8 Smart Tips to Maintain Healthy When Rainy Season
There are various diseases that are vulnerable to attack the human body during the rainy season as the flu, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, colds, skin diseases to dengue fever is equally be a list of diseases that are often found during the rainy season. And if you are contagious disease, of course, the body will become unfit as a result of daily activities will be hampered. So how in order to keep the body fit condition during the rainy season ?

Here are tips on smart maintain health during the rainy season :

1. Vitamin
When the seasons change from dry season to the rainy season, the body will usually not directly adjust his condition, but through a process first.This process is usually affects the immune system of the human immune or become weaker.When the immune system is decreased, then the disease will be more vulnerable to attack. For that much-needed vitamin intake to maintain the stability of the immune system. Therefore, the consumption of vitamins, especially vitamin C is highly recommended. The content of vitamin C can also you get naturally from the content of fruits such as oranges, strawberries and much more.Consuming vitamin C on a regular basis will ensure the needs of vitamin C in the body are met, which in turn will help you improve the function of the immune system in the body .
2. Make sure to always 'hygienic' Every Day

When the rainy season germs and bacteria will breed more freely because the humidity is so high.For this reason, why the body would be more susceptible to disorders of the body.In addition, the hand is the most common media entry of germs and bacteria into the body, you will unconsciously more germs and bacteria enter into the body through the hands like eating by hand, touching other organs using hand and so forth.because, make sure that you always hygienic every day by always used to wash your hands every time a new arrival at home, each time touching things or objects, before and after meals and each time after touching the toilet.Because do you know the toilet is one of the places with the highest bacterial source.Washing hands with water alone is not enough to make the germs and bacteria in the hands disappear, for it, wash your hands with disinfectant soap that bacteria lodged in the hands could be knocked out.
3. Clean Environment
Continuous rains flushed during the rainy season membaut klingkungan be more dirty than during the dry season.This was triggered by the level of humidity is higher that membaut up or become more easily decompose waste, which in turn become a source of germs.For that, clean the environment in places that could potentially be a hotbed for germs and bacteria breed.Suppose to bury or burn garbage, seal the hole that could potentially create stagnant rain water, close the water reservoirs, cutting branches and grass that is too shady.Environment shady, damp and dirty places would be a breeding ground for mosquitoes causing dengue fever breed.
4. Fulfill Needs Body Fluids
Often people ignore the consumption of water, especially during the rainy season, cold air makes the reason thirst rare, for it often you missed taking in enough water.But in fact both the dry season and the rainy season in the body's fluid needs remains the same.Never thought consume water when you feel thirsty only.But try to think if all the food taken into the body to be digested properly if the fluid in the body are met.In addition, adequate water supply is able to increase endurance.Therefore, make sure that if you continue to consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.If you are tired of constantly consume water, the water can turn into the warm fresh ginger or water that would make the body feel warmer.
5. Keep food intake
Still keep your intake of healthy eating, especially during the rainy season.It's good, eat a warm meal and fry to keep the body warm even though the air was so cold.For example, the consumption of soup broth, vegetables with warm soup, chicken soup and other healthy food fry.
6. Eat When Hungry
Cold temperatures during the rainy season usually made into a bigger appetite.But unfortunately this season metabolism is slower than usual.And can you imagine if you constantly keep the appetite is so great without the support with a good metabolism, it will certainly lead to obesity or that we are familiar with the term obesity.You certainly do not want to if this is the case is not it?for it set the way you eat and eating during the rainy season, do not let your big appetite you deliver on obesity.In addition, try to not only indulged in snacking when the stomach is not too hungry.Belly-continuous basis without any combustion process filled a balanced certainly not going to bring good effects for your health.
7. Note Sleep Patterns
Cold air during the rainy season only mengundak drowsiness.But do not ever ignore this drowsiness.Take a break and go to sleep in moderation, but they should not be sleeping with time or a portion of the excess.The body that gets a share of the excess sleep will make the body become weak and stiff muscles.Also, avoid staying up late or waking up too late at night.Adequate sleep can restore stamina and improve the immune system.For this reason, Pastika if you have enough sleep at night.
8. Wear Clothes That Thick and Warm
Clothes also will affect your health rainy season.Thin and transparent clothes are less suitable to wear during this season, especially if the activity you are doing more outdoors.For that, it's good to move on to something more closed, thick and warm for your body.Garments with models like this will certainly keep you from the cold during the rainy season.
 8 Smart Tips to Maintain Healthy When Rainy Season

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