
Easy Ways Adding Weight to Be More Ideal

When people want to lose weight, not the wrong thing if you want to increase your weight becomes fuller.
Have a light weight is also not always fun, because there are some things that can make you upset when having a thin body, such as ridicule from your friends.Of course it is not very pleasant to hear.but if you have the ideal body contains too would be another story.
You will receive much praise, especially if you are a woman.Of course the ideal body that you can show off your curves, so that people will be amazed with your body and of course, other women will envy you.

At present, a lot of ways that you can use to make your body more contained or more ideal, ranging from healthy way to way that is not necessarily healthy.But it would be better if you choose a healthy way because this does not pose a risk and was also recommended by health experts.
Easy Ways Adding Weight to Be More Ideal

More obtain the Ideal Body Contains

Check preemptively Your Health
The best way to promote weight loss depends on what is causing your weight is reduced .So before starting a weight gain program , check first whether your weight is located below the normal weight to calculate your body mass index .If your weight is less than it should be , then maybe you need medical treatment .
Some conditions that can cause your body weight is reduced from the normal , among others :
  • Hyperthyroidism , or an overactive thyroid gland .
  • Celiac disease that causes the body can not absorb nutrients from food .
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa .
People who suffer from the above diseases require treatment from a doctor and a psychiatrist if needed .
Apart from medical disorders above , you who want to gain weight in a healthy manner can follow the guide below .
  • Choose healthy foods rich in nutrients .The best way to get a fuller body is not to eat as much fatty foods and high in sugar content , but choose healthy foods with minerals , vitamins , and proper nutrition .Eat more fruits , vegetables , nuts , and lean sources of protein such as tofu , tempeh , and chicken without the skin .
  • Eat more often.People who are underweight often feel full quickly.Instead of eating two to three times a day in large portions, better eating 5-6 times a day in the portions smaller.
  • Juice or smoothies.Smoothies are fruit-based drinks mixed with milk or yogurt and other ingredients are combined and blended.Avoid soft drinks, coffee, and other soft drinks that contain no nutrients.You can also replace your snack with a glass of fresh juice.
  • Eating a snack.On the sidelines of the main dining hours, the consumption of nutritious snacks such as palm fruit, boiled corn, soybeans, avocados, vegetable salad.As much as possible to limit foods that are processed by frying in oil marinade.
  • Add calories.Add your calories in each meal.Sprinkle grated cheese on wheat bread, or omelet on your chicken soup.However, it remains to be careful in choosing food additive that does not lead to excess calories or fat unhealthy glucose in the body.
  • Drink when eating or 30 minutes after eating.Drink plenty of water before a meal can make full body.In contrast, eating or drinking in the middle 30 minutes after making the body can absorb more calories.
  • Familiarize yourself to exercise.Sports that strength training can promote weight loss by forming your muscles.In addition, exercise is also beneficial to whet your appetite.Aerobics, weightlifting, stationary cycling, swimming, and running is a sport that can be tried.Combine exercise with the consumption of protein-rich drinks, such as low-fat chocolate milk.These drinks can be consumed before bedtime.
  • Break with fairly.Lack of sleep quality and potentially make your metabolism can not work well.Sleep and wake up on time can promote weight loss.
In addition to exercise and a healthy diet , the market circulating vitamin supplements that promise weight gain .Safe is the product?Vitamin supplements will not be effective if you do not eat a healthy diet and regular exercise .Even some supplements can bring bad for health risks .But if you intend to eat them , first make sure the product has been registered in the National Agency of Drug and Food .
By following the above guidelines , a body that is healthy and is expected to contain no longer just a dream .

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