
The Best Men's Health diet to Gain Weight

The Best Men's Health Diet to Gain Weight - A Good Diet For Men can be an option for men who are confused with a diet that fits because most diets are done by women. Diet is one way to lose weight. Usually diet, associated with problems in women, but overweight was not only in women alone but men also have the problem. In running a diet program both women and men often fail because it is wrong in choosing the right type of diet.

The Best Men's Health diet to Gain WeightThe Best Men's Health Diet to Gain Weight

Below is the Best Diet Weight Loss Tips For Men include: 

1. Breakfast More Early

 Breakfast with an earlier time will speed up the combustion process in the body. For example, if you initially breakfast every 7 am, then you can advance breakfast time to 6 o'clock in the morning.

2. Drink Before Eating

 If you drink a glass of water before you start eating food, your stomach will feel more full so that the portion of the meal will be reduced (not too much) and if done regularly then it works to lose your weight.

3. Use Small Plates

 You can reduce your portion by always using a small plate so that the food that goes into your body is not too much. This method proved quite effective in losing your weight.

4. Do not Lazy to Moves

Try you move as much as possible. Do not laze in the room/house. Frequently perform activities that move the body every day. You can try up and down stairs or walk around the neighborhood.

5. Sunlight Exposure

 Based on research, often out of the house and exposed to sunlight, will be able to increase the metabolism in the body so the body can burn more calories. It is able to help in your efforts to lose weight.

6. Improve Your Motivation

To lose weight to succeed, you must have strong motivation. By instilling positive thoughts and high motivation you will be more spirit in running a diet program so that your diet is not in vain.

7. Doing Sports and Cardio Exercise

Exercising will make your body fast in burning calories so that your weight will decrease little by little. Do exercise by on and on, because in addition to effective in losing weight, exercise is also able to improve health on your body and sculpt your abs. You can do an exercise like swimming, playing basketball, badminton, and others.

In addition to doing cardio exercise is a powerful tip to lose a man's weight. The basic concept of Cardio Exercise is to increase heart rate over a period of time. All members of the body will work when we do cardio exercises so that more energy is needed. Examples Cardio exercises are skipping, gymnastics, walking, jogging, cycling, running. Routine jog every day for 20-30 minutes will be able to effectively lose weight. Do jogging so that fat can burn to the maximum.

8. Make Schedule and Discipline with Your Schedule

 You have to create a schedule that you can adjust to your time. The schedule can be hours of eating, exercising, sleeping, and others. You also have to be disciplined against the schedule that you make. Do not you miss the schedule. And also You can make your own daily exercise schedule or workout plan if you want.

 9. Protein consumption before bed

 Based on the study, people who consume foods containing at least 30 grams of whey protein will have a higher chance of doing digestive metabolism the next day compared to not eating anything at night. This is because proteins are more thermogenic than carbohydrates and fats so your body is able to burn more calories when digesting them.

10. Enough Sleep

If you have an irregular sleep time, this will actually make you gain weight up. Because the lack of hours of sleep will disrupt the function of hormones that exist in your body, especially related to appetite. Ideally, you sleep for 8 hours each day. People who sleep less (sleep less than 7 hours) will produce a lot of blood sugar, insulin hormone, and hormone cortisol in the body. This makes our bodies become hungry fast so the body will store a lot of fat.

 Sleeping in cold temperatures is also able to lose weight. Low temperatures will be able to increase the effectiveness of cells in your body that store fat to work to warm the body so as to make more able to burn fat stored in the body.

11. Always Positive Thinking and Do not Stress

Frequently you always think positively, refresh your mind, Enjoy this life with positive thinking. Do not get frustrated easily. Being stressed just weighs your mind so that you are reluctant to exercise and too much stress can actually damage your diet.

12. Avoid Junk Food
Junk food just only makes you diet progress going nothing, junk food like Burger, Kentucky chicken, snack or soda can add more calories in your body, so if you eat much junk food, you must stop doing that, because it can make your diet progress broken.

13. Follow men's health diet challenge
Many sites on the internet invited the netizens to join their diet challenges.It's good for you, why not?

The above explanation aims to make it easier for men if you want to do a diet program. It is expected to be able to do the right diet program and correct so that the diet that lived did not fail and did not cause various health problems.

 The Best Men's Health Diet to Gain Weight

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