
Easy Ways to Control Yourself To Not Easily Angered From Various Things

According to experts Psychology C.P.Chaplin , anger is an acute emotional reaction caused by a number of situations that stimulate , including threats , physical aggression , self-restraint , verbal attacks , disappointment , or frustration , and is characterized by a strong reaction in the autonomic nervous system , in particular by the emergency response on the part of the sympathetic ;and implicitly caused by a reaction to external attacks , either somatic or physical or verbal or oral .
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From the above understanding , angry because we accept things we do not like , or do not want.Angry also can cause liver disease and other health problems , because the heart is like the roots of a tree .Overcoming anger is not easy , but with the intention and determination you can easily become a better person . Here a Easy Ways to Control Yourself To Not Easily Angered From Various Things :
  1. Changing Perspectives your opponent.That is, if you're arguing or angry with people who are older, then it helps you to succumb first.Let's just say, she is a teacher or role model that we must obey and respect.If you're arguing or angry with someone younger, then it helps you succumb too (because younger emotion usually overflowing).And if you're arguing or angry with age should be discussed both on the best solution.
  2. Have A Commendation principle.Try to be the one person you would most like to forgive in this world.When people get angry and cursing you, it may be uncontrolled emotions.Forgive all words, it is very good for the health of your own body.
  3. Personal Being The Patient.In fact, if you vent anger blindly, then the effect is also back to your body such as harm your heart.So, which one you choose, it's up to you personally.Advice, be one of the most patient man who ever existed in this world.
  4. Redirecting Energy Into Better Things.Instead of spending time to get angry, it's better to focus on the plans that you have collated for future success better.
  5. Start Laughing.This idea is a bit strange.But this also seems to be proven effective.With change their facial expressions with a laugh, then that sullen face and lips muttering will soon change with cheerfulness.
  6. Submit Everything Affairs In God Almighty.When we remember the Creator, then the negative thoughts and emotions can terkontorol and removed easily.Advice, always remember and glorify the name of God Almighty in every trip of your life.
  7. Reading lots of books.There are various tips and steps that you can apply in order not to be a grumpy man.One reading of this article or books related.And usually, people who like to read a book a good personal capable of controlling speech and everyday behavior
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