
7 Tips To Stay Healthy And Fit Body After Work To Overtime

7 Tips To Stay Healthy And Fit Body After Work To Overtime - Sometimes when you 're doing when overtime work , usually a disease such as sleepiness , body feels tired certain to attack you .So sometimes just because like it could lose your concentration and you even can get so sick unwell .So , how to overcome the disease when overtime in order to keep the body healthy and also work was very successful.Overtime is usually experienced by employees , they are forced to work overtime even non - stop to finish the job on time .By that, this article is highly recommended for those of you who work as employees who need a way to overcome tired after working overtime .

7 Tips To Stay Healthy And Fit Body After Work To Overtime
Source: dr.Oz
The following are some tips to keep in shape after working overtime :
1. installments Your Sleep Time
Indeed, the name of the overtime work can reduce our break time.But actually if you know this is no way that you should be able to "repay bedtime" you moments before the work day begins, and you should also be able to maintain the condition of your rest time to do the rest minimum 7 hours a day.If it is what you do, then you should use this time to close my eyes during the day even if only briefly, but it means a lot for the health of your body.
2. Eating Nutritious
Lack of sleep and hectic work will further facilitate rapid someone affected by disease.Therefore, in ways other than by installments breaks your sleep, keep your body health condition with how consume lots of nutritious foods.Eat a nutritious intake of protein it is like eating chicken breasts and can also eat salmon.Then, avoid such foods containing carbohydrates in order to be able to prevent diseases such as eye sleepy at work overtime.In addition to foods that we have mentioned earlier, you were allowed to eat food snack nuts that will be rich in protein.
3. Lighting Lamp Room Must Maximum
When you are doing the work overtime, you have to ensure the lighting of the lamp lit room you work with very bright at all.Because if the lights dimmed in the room of your work, will cause your body can read state that dim illumination indicates it is time for bed rest.And another thing, avoid using your office lighting lamp with a lamp whose light yellowish, because according to the peneiliti that these lights can make your eyes become heavy drowsiness.
4. Set the Task List
At the time of the evening getting your concentration skills will be further reduced.Though the time you're doing a job that can be said it is a major task that is most important to your office.Therefore, you should Execute toughest jobs such as job count or too much work needs to be prioritized first thought.Because if we have mentioned tasks have been completed, only then can accomplish common tasks you do every day like you organize files office documents.
5. Provide Drink Coffee
Overtime work or not to work overtime, coffee drinks are often the mainstay of workers or employees in order to keep them can be maintained.But you need to know how to drink coffee there is any strategy.Consume caffeinated beverages while you are doing the work overtime at the office.Because if someone mostly drinking caffeinated beverages will consequently lead to the onset of symptoms stomach ulcer for someone who is sensitive to coffee.
6. Should Office Room Temperature Warm
When will do the work overtime until morning, you have to make sure the office do not get too cold air.Because the temperature of a warm temperature of your office, it will prevent your body condition for not developing the disease.This, because the cause of the drop in body temperature to someone who did work overtime to pass the night at 3 or 4 in the morning hours that is where the condition of a person's body will decrease.

7. Should be Sleeping Morning Minimum 2 Hours
Indeed, most companies always require workers to remain able to get to work again even after office work until late into the night, it is sure you will get some sweat.So that the condition of your body stay fit back in that day, you should at least take the time to sleep a minimum of 2 hours it was when you have finished work overtime.If the position you are required to return home, you should avoid things like driving your own vehicle.Because most of a person after doing overtime work during the day to not sleep it would be very dangerous.
Ok , now you are ready to work until late at any time without fear of disease .Please share this article by pressing one of the social media buttons below.

1 Response to "7 Tips To Stay Healthy And Fit Body After Work To Overtime"

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