
7 Best Foods for Your Morning Breakfast Menu

7 Best Foods for Your Morning Breakfast Menu - Breakfast in the morning is one of the most important things to start your day. ranging from work or running your daily routine. Therefore, we need nutrients and vitamins contained in the diet of your breakfast, so we are required to be able to choose the breakfast menu foods that are good for you.

7 Best Foods for Your Morning Breakfast Menu
source : www.efektips.com
Here are 7 of the best food for your morning breakfast menu.:
  •     Bananas. This fruit was very encouraged to serve you a full breakfast menu. In addition to its soft texture and sweet taste, bananas contain enough carbohydrates which makes the stomach is full longer. In addition, this fruit contains potassium which acts to lower blood pressure naturally.
  •     Eggs. This is also suitable foods consumed at breakfast. Besides easy to serve it, the egg is one of the foods that are rich in protein and vitamin D.
  •     Watermelon fruit. This is a fruit that has a relatively abundant water content. So it is very suitable to be consumed early in the morning to meet the needs of fluid required by your body. In addition, watermelon is rich in lycopene. Lycopene is able to nourish the organs of the eye and the heart and ward off cancer.

  •     Strawberry fruit. The fruit is also suitable for the breakfast menu in the morning. This is because, strawberries contain antioxidants, vitamin C, folic acid and fiber number. Strawberries also plays an important role to improve the health of your heart.
  •     A cup of coffee without sugar. This is one delicious drink that is also suitable for breakfast in the morning. Drinking coffee in a reasonable amount was able to reduce the risk of diabetes and prostate cancer. This is because, coffee contains caffeine and antioxidants needed by the body to ward off the disease.
  •     Warm a cup of tea. If you do not like to drink coffee, the tea can also be used as the best alternative for a drink in the morning. This is because, tea contains antioxidants that act boost your immune system.
  •     Melon. Abundant water content in the melon is able to meet the needs of the body fluids in the morning. In addition, melon also contains vitamins A and C to nourish your body.

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